Foundation For Living Positively & Aging Gracefully

Let's gain knowledge, build network , discover wisdom, seek harmony to live healthy and happy forever ! 

This website is being built with needs and interests of the aging old in mind...  and for those who will be old before they realize time flies...  

This website isn't fully ready yet.... but ok to be browsed as work in progress ...

Channel 1

Read the articles.. 

(You will find simple articles about things that matter in life as we age.. ) ..Click / touch this button  

(work in progress)...

Channel 2 

Drench In Wellness ! 

A few options to enhance wellness, archives of previous editions of the  periodical for senior community, decks of informative slides and so on ... (work in progress..)

Channel 3

Click to pick a Self Help video for a leisurely moment. Learn how others do it ...

(Will continue to add / replace more informative videos)

Channel 4

We all need a smile and a moment to feel cheered up. Click / touch the pink button for a dose of laughter .. ( Will organize witty posts here and some brain warming puzzles)

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 10

Printer friendly version

 The Periodical for the Seniors : Edition 10  

Periodical Edition 10

Touch Screen version

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 9

Printer friendly version

 The Periodical for the Seniors : Edition 9  

Periodical Edition 9

Touch Screen version

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 8

Printer friendly version

 The Periodical for the Seniors : Edition 8  

Periodical Edition 8

Touch Screen version

Touch / Click here for picking a thought worth pondering .... one at a time !


Contact [email] ...Think about how to create Readers' Forum here ... ( to be worked on)