Are you a profit making or not for profit organization ?

Your wellbeing and smile on your face is our reward. We all are engaged in our own professions to earn for self-sustenance and own family well being. We don't look at any needy or old person as source of income. We are not a money making organization. Each member involved is expected to be motivated by Empathy within rather than a chance for money making or social visibility.  

Do you take the responsibility of sick or disabled ?

There is no good substitute to the care by loved one. We don't hire nor depute healthcare professionals. One can help someone only to the extent he / she can trust. We don't engage in legal or financial pressures via legal or business enterprise. When and wherever possible, we will be happy to try to help you with the knowledge, resources and networks of kind souls to have your individual needs addressed. The kindness, affinity and empathy are essential for trustworthy interdependence. We are neither equipped nor plans to arrange for services fueled by or dependent on hired or monetary resources. 

Do you have any unannounced religious or faith objectives behind this work ?

We welcome kind souls, in the roles they may choose to seek or contribute per own inner calls. We believe in virtues and inherited and assimilated wisdom. The empathy, serenity, services can be arranged under institutionalized faiths. However, one must understand these innate essential qualities must be inculcated without objectives of conversion or native demographic change.  The cultural resemblance, nativity etc must be seen as natural possibilities but need not be regarded as matter of support or opposition. In blogs, posts there may be random references chosen to draw meaning or mark coherence. However, no article nor any activities are intended to promote a particular faith or belittle some other faith with hidden intensions. Based on writers' understanding, some or the other cultural or religious mentions may come up relevant to the topic or point being explained. However, that's neither emphasis nor be regarded as intentional. The readers are requested to weigh, validate and experience with their conscience. We believe in laws of nature, divine, higher, Supreme forces that magically govern or influence our lives beyond gimmicks of politicians, human ambition, limitations of scientific reasoning and will. As long as you deeply trust in harmony and wellbeing of all kinds souls, you may not have doubts or conflicts as raised in your question. 

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