
Wellness Hub :

Specks of Serenity,

Tranquility Spot,

Spirituality Space,

Archives of Periodicals, 

And More ! ...

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निरामयं क्रुतिशीलं वयं ।

भद्रं आनंदः संवर्धनाय

प्रार्थयामः तव सहयोगं ॥

Specks of Serenity  : Two-Minutes to Serenity ! ...You're welcome here to try to resonate and tune to your alpha brainwaves and feel serene, refreshed. You may pick any one of sound clips intuitively. Please, don't anticipate nor expect, just click / touch to play it, set volume to a level just enough to be audible to you, don't create unnecessary loud sound ripples. Close your eyes, and follow the rhythm and let your breath sync up with it. After about 2 minutes or so, you may feel refreshed.  Please feel free to try this lab at your will. I will post different mixes of the suitable music here as and when possible.


Tranquility Spot : Two-Minutes To Tranquility ! ...Ramkrishna Paramhamsa was well known for his ability to transition into the state of "BhaavSamadhi". He would stare at a view or an object and soon sense, cognize everything about it. Well, we are far from it, but a little step in the right direction can be a wonderful start for all of us.

Welcome ! Let's pause the flow of random thoughts, get immersed in the beauty of Nature. Images here will help us be surrounded with peace, think of something beautiful, majestic, divine amid mundane challenges, stressors of compulsive chores. Move onto recalling own profound observations, experiences of life. While we immerse in them, how we may sense everything.. e.g. fragrant flowers, lush green lawn, soothing breeze, tweeting, chirping bird, swaying clouds, flowing water and so on.  The perception via sense organs, imagination, comparison with the stored experiences and then aspiring, desiring choosing to pursue that resonates within us is the way to be aware of something more than ego. These scenic views are picked to help develop our own vivid visualization for 'From - To' inner transition ! Gradually, we may learn to symbolize our own inner challenges and then develop a transforming imagery for our meditation. Touch / Click and Zoom ! Then, close your eyes, substitute the objects in picture with objects you like, assign the meaning in your mind and let your imagination play in. Enjoy that tranquil feeling !

Just like still water, calm mind is a essential for a beautiful reflection !

The magic of colors fills the sky, likewise the beautiful emotions fill the heart !

Like islands in the sea, we look separate on the surface, but are connected on the deep. Waves rush n touch our feet to remind that.

May the pure waterfall cleanse my inner being. Lost in the dance of rays and droplets, help me discover divinity in YOU.

Why sound and picture files ?  The ears and eyes enhance anticipation, perception and experience by other senses. Just as we nourish the body with right supplements, keep away from toxins, let's favor these senses with pleasant sounds and visuals. Let's fill our hearts with love, care and gratitude. Engage our minds in enriching thoughts and imaginations, let's involve in mutually fulfilling activities.  Once content, the state of nameless unwavering bliss may spur and surround our inner being.  Such few options may help us to take a little step in the premise of Mind Body Medicine ... 

Spiritual Space - The Prayer and more !

Vedic Prayer 4

Vedic Prayer 4

The Context Of Prayers

Prayers & Shataayu Aspirants

Vedic Prayer 1

Vedic Prayer 1

Vedic Prayer 2

Vedic Prayer 2

Vedic Prayer 3

Vedic Prayer 3

Our Prayer For All

Our Prayer For All

ARCHIVES : Please scroll n pick to catch up with the past editions of the periodical at your leisure.... 

Periodical Edition 10

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 10

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 10

Printer Friendly The Periodical : Edition 10

Periodical Edition 9

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 9

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 9

Printer Friendly The Periodical : Edition 9

Periodical Edition 8

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 8

Printer-friendly Periodical : Edition 8

Printer Friendly The Periodical : Edition 8

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 8

Periodical Edition 8

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 8

Periodical Edition 7

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 7

Periodical Edition 6

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 6

Periodical Edition 5

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 5

Periodical Edition 4

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 4

Periodical Edition 3

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 3

Periodical Edition 2

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 2

Periodical Edition 1

Click above n zoom to read  : The Periodical : Edition 1